Category Archives: Health

Speaking up for the “Skinny” – Thoughts on “Thin-crimination”


It’s taken me a while to post this, but I feel this is a subject that never really gets much air time – as in the other side of the ‘skinny’…so here goes…

Picture the scene: it’s lunchtime so you decide to head into the office lunch room and you spy a colleague chowing down on an oversized slice of pizza, a chocolate muffin and a can of coke. Would you ever go up to that colleague and with a certain “snoot” in your voice state “Oh I would’t eat that if I were you, you’ve obviously put on a few pounds lately and that lunch choice you’ve made will only make it worse”…umm…No. I thought not. You wouldn’t dare would you? Can you imagine the response you’d get? Especially if said colleague was a female and heaven forbid, a little more on the ‘rotund’ side of things.

Well, welcome to my world. I have had these sorts of comments my entire working life. Only in reverse. For some reason people seem to be so interested in what I’m eating for lunch and I have absolutely no idea why. The snide comments often come thick and fast. That’s why I have devoted this article to ‘Speaking up for the Skinny’ because I am totally fed up of being derided by other females for being slim (or ‘so skinny’ as am often called). Well I’m not, I am simply fit and healthy.

I think perhaps it’s because (again, heaven forbid), I choose to eat differently from them. Note my word choices here ‘eat differently’ as I think the word ‘healthy’ is somewhat overused these days. In fact ‘eating healthily’  to me doesn’t mean a jot, as I eat ‘this way’ all the time. It’s not even an issue. Always have done and always will do. My mother was an amazing cook and perpetually whipped up the best food for us growing up. Nothing was processed and this is what my sister and I were used to. Our dear mother taught us well, not only about natural, wholesome food, but how to prepare and cook it well too – thanks Mother dearest!

So back to the office lunch room. It drives me absolutely nuts that almost every time people see what I have brought in for my lunch (or what I order if we are out for lunch) there is a panoply of snide comments ranging from “Oh you’re always so healthy” and “I can’t believe you always eat like that” to “Oh you’re ordering a salad”. These comments are honestly utterly bonkers. Now I’m not at all against people asking me questions about new recipes – of course not, am more than happy to do this, but it’s the rude and snooty comments that are often hurled my way for no reason whatsoever. And I hate to be sexist here, but yes, you’ve guessed, most of these comments come from females. The way I see it life is all about choices. You choose what you wear every day, you have chosen your career path (in one way or another), you choose who your friends are, you chose your other half, you choose to go for a run or you choose to eat that slice of pizza. It’s YOUR choice and yours only, and quite frankly your choices are no one else’s business, especially when it comes to what you put into your mouth.

Look, we all know the science, you put crap into your body, you will get crap out. It’s not difficult folks. You want to get fitter or leaner? Make better choices with you food and your daily activities. I want to shout out loud sometimes “YES IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE”. Why should what I do and eat or not do and eat affect you anyway? A dear girlfriend of mine also suffers from this ‘skinny discrimination’ or ‘thin-crimination’ as I have coined it. She told me a story the other day about how her female colleague said “Ugh! It so annoys me how you bring your homemade healthy lunch to work every day, and ugh! I can’t believe you go the gym each morning at like 6:00am”. This to me is utter madness. How can these things annoy such women? One word. Jealously. It must be! Why else would such negative comments be bandied around? Again though, it comes back to CHOICES. These women have the CHOICE to fill their faces from the breakfast buffet muffin tray at the 8:00am meeting. They have the CHOICE to hoover up the crackers and sweet treat leftovers in the lunch room at 3:00pm in the afternoon.  I distinctly remember three occasions whereby I was once again in the firing line. One: I was ‘ordered’ to eat a cupcake, with the comment “Oh I want to see you eat a cupcake, you need to put on some weight anyway”. Two: “You’re not allowed to use the office gym as you don’t need it.” And three (I saved the best for last): “You skinny bitches” – yes, short and sweet, a nice touch that last comment isn’t it? It came at full pelt, out of nowhere, like a dry slap – torpedoed with venom at myself and another so-called ‘skinny’ colleague.

Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? If we did actually ‘Speak up for the Skinny?’. Let’s try a few shall we:

“Well, I don’t think you need another cupcake do you? I think you’ve had quite enough judging the size of your lard arse behind.”
“Ugh why do you always eat such processed crap? Is that why you are always ‘exhausted’ and in such a foul mood?”
“Ohhhh  so you’re ordering the extra large bacon double cheese burger for lunch I see, well, you might as well glue it to your gut.”

You would have an utter MUTINY on your hands if you dared to say anything like this. Yet us so-called ‘skinny minnies’ – sorry make that ‘skinny bitches’ – are subjected to such comments all the time about what we are eating, why we are eating and why we shouldn’t eat ‘that’ but should eat something else instead. Who gave these negative nellies permission to speak to us like this anyway? What the heck does it have to do with them anyway?

I just do not understand why all this thin-crimination goes on.  Just last week, the winner of the Biggest Loser was subjected to a huge amount of backlash because apparently she had lost too much weight. WHAT? I am totally bemused. Isn’t the point of the show to get fit and healthy? Yet this didn’t stop the Twittersphere and other media outlets lashing out with all sorts of ridiculous malicious comments about the winner. I thought we were meant to embrace body image, it’s something that many brands, celebrities and fashion icons have advocated for years. The Dove campaign from the early 2000s is a great example of how ‘normal’ women were used in their adverts.  Women are taught to ’embrace their curves’, which is all fine and dandy, but what about slimmer girls? Can’t we too celebrate our bodies without being told we are too skinny or have an eating disorder? That’s another thing that riles me, why is it people bandy that term around too, I’ve heard it being mentioned numerous times if ‘said female’ decides to go on a health kick. Eating disorders are a serious disease and just because a person wants to change up their routine by making different food choices and being more active, does not mean they are suddenly anorexic. It is ridiculous and it is just beyond me.

Such comments though don’t just happen at work, oh no. Even in social situations they can be rife. Again, I just simply do not understand why people are so interested in what I eat? Another element I haven’t mentioned is that I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I have had to deal with it for about eight years now, so am pretty well versed in knowing what I can and can’t eat.  IBS is an inflammation of the bowel and can be triggered by certain foods, especially gluten. I have got a lot better about telling people upfront about this, thanks to my husband telling me I need to do so. But even then, the comments still come thick and fast “Oh you’re not going to eat that?” – err no, I’m not. And before you make your absurd accusations about calories (I have NEVER counted calories in my life) it’s because if I eat that I will have stomach cramps and will be sat on the loo for the rest of the night. I find that being direct, blunt and anything mentioning “sitting on the loo” tends to work wonders. The other gem I often hear is “Oh yes IBS, I have that too”. It seems to be such a ‘trend’ for women to have stomach issues these days. If it’s valid, that’s absolutely fair, you wouldn’t want to wish IBS, or Crohns or ulcerative colitis on anyone. But I have been particularly flummoxed as have seen with my eyes so-called ‘sufferers’ eating all the foods that I know for a fact you can’t eat when you have IBS. But they tell me “Oh you’re so good”. It’s not even a question of being ‘good’, it’s a simple fact – if I eat that, I will be ill. And believe me, after eight years, I pretty much know these things. I have no idea where such strange comments come from.

Once again, I see that it is ‘women deriding women‘, whether is it from somewhat underhand comments in social situations or in a far more blatant way in the office. I feel that in far too many situations regular, healthy women get slapped in the face with all this ‘thin-crimination’. This is why I say we should “Speak up for the Skinny” be proud and content with ourselves and how we look. Therefore ladies we should say: “I don’t understand why my delicious meal irritates you” or “Why should my work outs or my daily hot yoga sessions annoy you? I don’t comment on your activities”. We should be able to say these things and NOT feel bad about it. We CHOOSE to live the way we live, and that’s why we not only look good but feel great too. That’s the most important thing. And again, I leave you with this: We all have CHOICES to make every day. So next time, focus on your choices and your life, before saying something negative to someone, just because they happen to be thinner than you. Honestly love, what other people are eating really shouldn’t be an issue, there are far more serious things in this world to get worked up about.

Until next time…

Live, love and laugh lots, Mrs T.

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Filed under Health

How I’m Curing my Cold Naturally – My 9 Tips that have Absolutely Worked Wonders

Mrs Ts Green Soup
I have an absolutely stonking cold.
One that seems to have come out of nowhere and it’s driving me totally nuts. I never usually get ill, I don’t have time for it. Yet my poor nose is running and my sinuses are killing – the worst I think I have ever experienced. Also I consider myself to be a very healthy person in terms of what I eat and the amount of activity I do, so last December when I was struck down with an awful bout of flu, I was determined to get my immunity levels back up to its usual standard. Now, in terms of the flu shot – I have never had it.  It wasn’t common for young, healthy people to get the shot in the UK when I was living there (just the old, the young and the pregnant got the shots), so it’s never really been on my radar as I never got the flu. My mind may have changed though, as the dose of flu my other half and I were treated to before Christmas was in one word, horrendous.  I hadn’t been that sick in easily over ten years, probably more. So I thought “right, maybe it is time to get the flu shot after all”. Yet we arrive back in Canada after Crimbo in the UK, only to be told by various media outlets and friends and even my own doctor, that Calgary was clean out of the vaccine, lock, stock and barrel. Bloody marvellous.

So I embarked on ‘ramping it up’ in terms of my health and wellness – big time. There was no way I was going to get that sick again.  However, after somewhat burning the candle at both ends last Saturday (as one does when out with a girlfriend you haven’t seen in ages), and having one too many glasses of Prosecco (why do we always have that extra glass more?), I wasn’t feeling the best on Sunday, and by Tuesday I had a fully fledged cold.  I did manage to stave off any ‘flu-like’ symptoms by getting about 9 hours sleep a night (yes I am a HUGE sleeper, it’s one of my talents), and I had a wondrous Epsom salts bath. It was divine.  I could almost feel any hint of those foulsome flu bugs drifting away in the steam as I relaxed with face mask on and breathed in the joyful scent of Jo Malone’s ‘Roses’ candle.  An item that is a ‘must have’ for me in my bedroom and bathroom – much to the annoyance of my husband. He is always complaining about all my “lotions and potions” and how I often “smell like a Pharmacy”.  Well if smelling clean, fresh and natural like Jo Malone is like a Pharmacy, that’s one Pharmacy I want to visit. Her products make you feel like you have brought the spa home – totally blissful.

I also took a trip to one of my favourite shops – Community Natural Foods, to stock up on super foods and supplements to help me on my way to regaining a gold standard of health.  I have to say, after doing all of the below, I believe that my immune system will award me a Platinum level as I cannot believe how much better I feel! Try my top tips out below, I promise they worked wonders for me. Also share with me your top tips for beating the cold and flu season? I say it’s ‘power in numbers’ when you feel you are getting sick, so you need to really bash those bothersome bugs and viruses on all sides. Stay warm and stay healthy chaps.

Until next time…

Live, love and laugh lots, Mrs T.

9 Tips to Boost Your Immune System for Colds and Flu:


1. Love Lemons – I’m sure you’re all aware of how amazing lemons are for you. Not only are they great for your  digestive system (we all know about lemon squeezed in warm water and drunk first thing in mornings), but they are brilliant for your immune system as well. Lots of vitamin C, D and Zinc.  I swear by this little concoction below when I feel a cold coming on.  The cayenne gives it a nice kick, so you may need to experiment with how much you like.  I love mine spicy, great for the metabolism as well.

  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 piece of ginger, thumb sized – peel and cut into small pieces, then boil in water on the stove top for 15 mins drain and add to cup of hot water
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tbs organic maple syrup
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 grind of black pepper
  • 5 drops of bee propolis

2. Spirulina a Super Hero
This little bad boy is actually an ‘algae’ and is literally the best thing you can put into your body, whether or not you are feeling under the weather. Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you eat a load of pond scum, so stick with me here. It’s official name is ‘cyanobacterium’ and it is absolutely jam-packed with all sorts of goodness like protein (65%) and amino acids and a whole host of other things – you can check this other great blog ‘Wellness Mama’ to find out more. You can buy spirulina in either capsule or powder form.  I like the capsules, because you can take them as is, or you can open them and add them to all sorts, I often add them to my Smoojuices or soups, you can’t taste it, and it makes a really nice deep green colour. I honestly have felt a huge difference in my overall health and energy since taking spirulina. So make sure you check it out and start ramping up your own superpowers! 


3. The Neti Pot
The Neti what? Yes that was my reaction when I first heard about this, what on earth is this odd sounding, supposed ‘remedy?’  Then I Googled it and thought it looked even odder – basically a Neti pot looks like a very small jug with a long spout, a small watering can if you will.  You fill the Neti pot with warm water or a saline mixture (available from drug stores), bend over the sink, tilt your head to the side and then pour it into one nostril so that is drains out the other.  See? Isn’t it totally bizarre? It’s basically like doing a ‘nasal douche’, but far far better than the other sort of douche (something that I have never done or understood for that matter I might add). But it really does work. The idea behind the Neti pot is that it gives your schnoz a darn good clean out, sweeping out bacteria and relieving your sinuses. It does feel a bit odd the first time, but bear with it as it can work wonders. Visit this great blog I found giving you more info about a) signs that you need a good ‘neti potting’ and b) how to use this joyous little jug.


4. Sleep it Away
As I mentioned earlier, I am a huge sleeper. I can’t always fall asleep and the quality isn’t always 100%, but I pretty much make sure I’m in bed by 10:00pm most nights.  As my dad always says “sleep is body maintenance” and it really is. When you’re feeling under the weather it’s so important to get even more sleep time under the duvet. You’d be amazed how much better you feel if you switch off the TV or put away your smart phone and just hit the hay.  It’s important your room isn’t too hot or cold, plus it must be really dark.  Eye masks can really help with this, we like to have a lot of natural light in our bedroom, but at night you want it really pitch black, so an eye mask for me is a must. So bounce to your boudoir early, because again, it works wonders for your health.

5. Even More Water
We all know by now that we should be drinking eight glasses of water a day.  But when you’re ill it’s even more important to up your H2O levels. You need the fluids to flush out the virus/bacteria.  Hot green tea is also a good option, looks for ones infused with Echinacea or add some drops of Echinacea tincture. You may find yourself heading to the loo more often, but this is a good thing, you’re clearing out the system, so drink up!

6. Optimum Oils – Oregano and Olbus
Two amazing oils.  The latter I have used to help me through colds since I was a little kid.  Olbus oil was introduced to me by my Granny and the smell always reminds me of her. Olbus is a combination of eucalyptus oil, menthol, cajuput oil, clove oil and juniper berry oil.  It is superb at clearing the sinus, just add a few drops to a tissue or add some to your humidifier or oil burner. The smell is wonderful and you can feel your nose clearing instantly.

I recently learned about the magic of oil of oregano.  It was very new to me, as I’m used to tossing the dried variety into my spag bol when cooking, but in this format you take a few drops of the oil in water or directly in the mouth.  Oregano is a powerful, natural antibiotic and also has antiviral properties.  Many health studies have shown how the oil has had great success in helping to ward off colds and flu. When you feel the symptoms coming on, be sure to get some of this in you.  But be warned – ensure you have a nice ‘chaser’ ready, such as a sip of coconut water or some fruit as it tastes really terrible.  But again, it really does work.


7. Simbacol
This to me is ‘liquid health in a bottle’. I was recommended this by the lovely sales assistant at Community Natural Foods.  They are not only very helpful there, but very knowledgable too. It is a syrup that has extract of black elderberry, an ancient plant that was used by Hippocrates for it’s antivirus and antiviral properties.  When you take Simbacol, the natural properties of the black elderberry attach themselves to the virus cell and ‘inhibit’ it from causing havoc in your body.  You can get a more scientific explanation and learn more here.


8. Green juice and soup
This is another go-to of mine when I feel out of sorts. I went to the supermarket and loaded up my trolley with a veritable forest of green goodness with luscious leaves such as swiss chard, kale, spinach, collards, coriander (cilantro) and mint. They all contain a huge amount of vitamins (A, D, C and K), not to mention an abundance of iron and folate. I feel like I have literally ‘juiced myself back to better health’.  I made different combos of both cold juices and warm soups, and will post my recipes on here soon as I experimented with some delsih concoctions! As you drink them you feel energized almost instantly, yes it can feel like you are drinking a meadow, but throw in an apple and some lemon and you won’t even notice all those greens. Find my ‘Souperfood Soup recipe here.

Mrs Ts Green Soup

9. Vamp up your Vitamins
I take vitamins every day, as I’m of the belief that they can help to improve your overall heath. Since moving to Canada my vitamin D levels were rather low, so after some blood work done with my doctor, I was advised to up my intake.  I ramp it up even more when I am sick too.  Below is what I have been taking and again, I can vouch that these are really helping me to feel better.

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium and Calcium combo tablet – if you take vitamin D, magnesium it is also essential to take as it helps the vitamin D get absorbed into the body


Hope these hints have helped you – What are your go-to home health remedies to that you use to ward off or fight those pesky colds and flu??

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Hot Yoga Newbie? “I felt like I was inside a fart” – Quick Tips (read before you take your first class!)

LMC Yoga Lake Edith

Hello chaps – Happy Saturday! As I sit here with my morning Nespresso (shameless PR mention), I am reviewing a laugh out loud article about the virtues of hot yoga that was sent to be me by a friend earlier in the week.  It is from the Huffington Post and you can take a look and have a good old laugh at it here.  These comedy comments about hot yoga with quips such as “I could see my pubes” and “I felt like I was inside a fart” have inspired me to write a follow up to my previous post ‘Hot Yoga – Why should you try it?’

I realize now, that although I go into the benefits of practising hot yoga on a regular basis, I didn’t actually go into detail about what you can expect if you are an absolute Vinyasa Virgin.

So here goes, am trying to be as honest as possible, but remember – perseverance is key! Do not give up, and before you know it you will be practising the perfect pose in no time, sweating it out and enjoying all that downward dogging.

Hot Yoga Newbie Tips:

1.  Dare to bare
Wear as little as possible.  Ok, am not saying you have to don a bikini, as the person behind you will not appreciate the full view of your who-ha as they bend into dancers pose, but DO wear a light, strappy top and either shorts or capri pants. For men, just a pair of shorts will do.  You will die if you wear a t-shirt.  Just make sure they are made of fabric that will wick away the sweat.

2. Sweat Central
Yes, hot yoga is like doing a ridiculous amount of odd sounding moves in a mix between a sauna and a steam room.  You will sweat a shed load.  This is a good thing for detoxification. It’s called ‘hot yoga’ for a reason, don’t fight it, accept it, end of.

3. Downward Doggy Style
‘Downward dog’ is the mainstay pose of hot yoga.  And YES it is meant to be a ‘resting pose’.  This will sound ridiculous in your first few classes as your arms and shoulders will ache like hell, it won’t feel like  a rest at all.  But remember, back to that thing called ‘perseverance’ – after a few weeks, it WILL feel like a rest, as your head is below your heart (good for getting the oxygen flowing and slowing down the heart) and you can always take child’s pose or lay our flat – there is nothing wrong with that at all.

4. Bodily Aromas
For some of you, you may indeed feel like you are ‘inside a fart’ as there can be some unusual smells and sounds in yoga.  Yes, some people are inclined to let a few go.  And yes, it’s not pleasant if you are in the firing line.  Some people cannot help it due to the poses and the fact that they are ‘releasing’ not just their muscles but their organs as well (Eeew. Sounds foul I know).  These occurrences are few and far between I have to say.  What you do want to watch out for though, are the ‘great unwashed habits of the public’ (as my father would say) – meaning that some people do stink.  And it is very unpleasant to be next to that person who has forgotten to have their daily scrub.  I recall one time a girl ahead of me ‘whooshing’ up into wheel with all her might and well, being downwind of that was just horrendous. Fortunately most yogis know the etiquette of hot yoga and studios are quick to have a ‘quiet word’ with those who are found to practising with that foul, unwashed whiff.

5. Get Out of My Space
Some classes are packed out.  So be prepared to literally have your mat about two inches from your neighbours.  Again, this is something that you will get used to, and soon you wont even notice they are there – unless you are experiencing point 4 (see above).  Just focus on yourself and find a spot in the mirror where you can concentrate.

6. Lululemon on Parade 
If you take hot yoga in Canada, you will be privy to a full fashion show of all the latest and greatest from yoga apparel conglomerate ‘Lululemon’.  Though they do make great clothes for hot yoga – be warned they are expensive.  You don’t need to prance about in all the latest Lulu get-up, Nike and Underarmour and other sports lines make just as good stuff.  But be warned there will be plenty of ‘Lululemononite’ girls floating about the studio – perfectly toned and tanned, primped and prepped.  If you are a guy, you will love it, and it will take your downward dogging to a whole new level.  If you are a girl, just use them as energy in your class as they are usually the pros and take up the whole of the front row.  Remember yoga is all about showing the love and sharing the energy – happy thoughts people!

7. You will want to Eat a Horse
Warning – the majority of you will be STARVING after your class, not to mention completely knackered out.  You will feel like you have been pummelled through a washing machine by a big and burly Sumo wrestler.  Hot yoga really does whip your ass.  But after you have showered and dressed, and as you wend your way home, you will start to feel  great – trust me.  You will have incinerated tons of calories/fat and will literally be ready to eat a horse. Just make sure your ‘horses’ are healthy choices of course.

8. The Morning After Yoga Hangover
Like most good things, the ‘morning after’ brings a variety of delights.  Your shoulders will ache like hell, your butt will know it’s had a work out and your legs will feel well and truly buggared.  But like most post workouts, that feeling will be a good one.  And before you know it, your flexibility (and maybe even your height) will have increased and you will be a fully fledged yogi!

Stick with it, get through the heat and those ‘whiffy smells’ will soon become a distant memory. Namaste.

Live, love and laugh lots, Mrs T.

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SuperBowl – SuperCharged not SuperFat!

Avo Guac Date Bars

Are you having a bit of a do for the Superbowl on Sunday? I must say all this Superbowl fervour is rather new to me, as it doesn’t seem to be such a big deal in the UK, it’s more about footy, tennis and cricket over there, either swilling beers in the pub or supping Pimms and champers at Wimbledon.  However, ‘when in Rome’…and I’m all about trying new things, plus Calgary seems to have Superbowl fever, so I will be heading to my first Superbowl party on Sunday. Now my fellow North Americans, I am well aware that wings and nachos are order of the day, however, I thought I would give Superbowl Sunday a bit more of a healthier spin.  It doesn’t have to been a processed food feasting fest, hell no.

In fact I’m going to share with you two of my recipes that I happened to concoct in my kitchen just this week.  And yes, of course they are healthy and bloody delicious too!  While I am all for a chicken wing or three (make mine extra hot please), am not a fan of that yellow goop that is meant to be ‘cheese’.  I was even more horrified to learn that this so-called ‘cheese whizz’ comes out of either a jar or a can. Eew. No thanks, not for this Brit, give me a helping of Marmite please over that stuff.  So instead, why not try some of my delish Pea Guacamole? This recipe came about as I didn’t have enough avocados so I thought I’d try a few frozen peas as a substitute, and yes, it was delish.

During half time, and the salt and protein fest of the wings and nachos is over, I’d be hankering for something sweet, so instead of the habitual chocco cookies, why not try these bad boys – my ‘Coconut Date Bars’.  They work best if you keep them in the freezer, as they are a bit too soft if you keep them in the fridge. Full of good stuff, no processed crap, gluten-free, grain free and no sugar.  It’s so easy when you know how – they won’t taste like cardboard, promise.

Enjoy the game, I no doubt won’t have a clue what’s going on, and if you really over do it, you could always burn off those extra calories with a sweat sesh of hot yoga followed by a cup of Smoojuice 😉 Just the ticket after all those wings – oooppphhh. Am sure your body will thank you.

Live, love and laugh lots, Mrs T.

Pea Guacamole 

Avo Pea Guac 2
What you’ll need:

3-4 avocados (nice and ripe)
1 cup frozen peas
2 small tomatoes
1/2 cup cilantro (that’s coriander to us Brits)
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
1 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tsp paprika
juice of half a lemon or lime
salt and pepper
a good slug of Frank’s Hot sauce or a few drops of Tabasco

Note: I love my guacamole really hot, so you may want to lessen the spices

De-skin and roughly chop up the avocados, roughly chop the tomatoes, run hot water over the frozen peas to thaw. Place all into food processor. Add the lemon juice, cilantro, spices and hot sauce – whizz up into a chunky mixture.  Taste.  Add more lemon / spices if needed.  Place in the fridge before serving so it’s nice and chilled.
Tip: If you have any leftover and want to store it in the fridge, place in a bowl and give the top a good squeeze of lemon to prevent the dip going a yucky brown, then cover with cling film.

Avo Pea Guac 1

Coconut Date Bars
Coconut Date Bars 4

What you’ll need:
1 cup pitted dates
1 cup mixed nuts – any nut will do, walnuts and almonds work well (not peanuts)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
3/4 un-sweetened shredded coconut
1 tbs organic coconut oil
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3 tsp ground flax seeds/flax meal
2 tsp maca powder mix – see here for the product I use, you can also use raw cacao powder
2 tbsp water


Add nuts and seeds to food processor, whizz until crumbly. Add dates to food processor and 1 tsp of water – you need to ensure the mixture sticks together but is not too runny. Add the coconut oil and shredded coconut, whizz. Then add the vanilla, maca powder and the ground flax.  Again check to see if more water is needed, the mixture should’t be too runny or too crumbly.  Spoon the mixture into a flat dish.  I find a Pyrex baking dish to be the best. Smooth out to the edges.  Sprinkle the top with more macs powder and some regular flax seeds.  Place in the freezer for at least two hours.  Once firm, cut into squares and enjoy!

Coconut Date bars 2

Tip: keep the bars in the freezer as they get too soft in the fridge.  Take them out of the freezer about five minutes before you want to eat them.

Coconut Date Bars 3

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Filed under Health, Nutrition

Running on Empty? No more! Top 10 Running Tunes

Are you a runner? Perhaps you are starting out as part of your new year’s resolution, or maybe, like me, you’ve been an avid runner for years.  Yes, I like to run, in fact I love it.  But there is a small little caveat to this bold statement: I love to run outside.  The time seems to whizz by and before you know it, you’ve clocked about 30-40 minutes all with the added bonus of fresh air and plenty of things to look at/enjoy/focus on as you run. However, I really dislike running inside on the dreaded treadmill.  Ughhhh. I stare at the time willing it to go by faster and hit that 20 minute mark.  20 minutes is about my maximum, I get so bored and am absolutely thrilled when it’s over.

I live in Canada, so during the winter we experience the wonderfully sub zero temperatures, this Polar Vortex people keep complaining about? Oh please, pipe down, that’s nothing for us Canucks -15 is virtually tropical for us , try -30 or more plus that dreaded ‘wind chill’ which makes it feel positively arctic.  So of course, come October I have to take to running indoors at the gym, for about five months – ughhhh again.  But all is not lost, I have found that music is my saviour for getting me through as I pound away, avidly watching the clock.  Yes music and exercise is no new phenomenon, I realize that, but the type of music you listen to can really make or break a run.  Honestly chaps, it really can! Studies have been done on it – it can increase your performance by a whopping 15%!

So here goes, these are my go-to tunes, that ensure I have a great sweat sesh and not want to whip out after one measly minute.  So go on, download these bad boys to your pod, turn up the volume, lace up those runners and get ready to go for it – enjoy!

Live, love and laugh lots, Mrs T.


Mrs T’s 10 Top Running Songs:

1. Boys of Summer – Don Healy

2. St Elmo’s Fire (Man in Motion) – John Parr – AMAZING tune! My favourite

3. Blow Me (One Last Kiss) – Pink

4. Sunglasses – Divine Brown

5. The Edge of Glory – Lady Gaga

6. Latch (feat. Sam Smith – Disclosure

7. Get Lucky – Daft Punk/Pharrell Williams

8. Super Bass – Nicki Minaj

9. Waiting all Night (feat. Ella Eyre) – Rudimental

10. Look Around – Red Hot Chilli Peppers

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Filed under Fitness, Health

The “Ooh ahh” of the Who-ha – Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Yes this post is for all the ladies out there.  We’re talking about lady parts and a very important subject – cervical cancer. Did you know January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month? No neither did I. But it all happens to tie in well, as I’m due for my annual smear test (or ‘pap test’ as they say in North America) on Monday.  Over here in Canada, it’s great because you have your smear test as part of your annual physical – something I wish they would start (or re-start?) in the UK.

So your annual pap might fill some of you ladies with utter fear – but not me, no. Yes, yes, I know, I know, it’s never pleasant to have your legs a-kimbo up on the examination table and having your doc poke and prod about your nethers.  Of course not, it’s never going to be the best experience to have, but just think of it this way: your doctor performing your annual smear test could save your life.  It’s something that every woman should and MUST have done.  Once a year.  End of. 

I had my first one when I was a mere spring chicken at the tender age of 21 (well over ten years ago – gulp). It was at my university’s students union, in a very basic clinic.  They didn’t even offer me a towel to cover my modesty, so you can understand how even more nervous I felt about the whole episode, not to mention feeling very ‘exposed’ – the draft wasn’t pleasant either sat on that cold, hard bed I can tell you.  I was utterly relieved to see the doctor was of the female variety, as I probably wouldn’t have gone through with it if the she had been a he. What made it worse was the doctor was asking me all about my impending exams with questions like ‘how is the studying going?’, trying to distract me, all the while she was shinning a bright light down there and digging about looking for and at god knows what.  All in all, not a great experience, and rather painful too.  But, as I said earlier, it has to be done, towel or no towel, male or female doctor.  My first results came back ‘inconclusive’, which of course totally freaked me out – and right before those ruddy exams too.  But I soon learned there was nothing to worry about, they just needed to ‘get more cells’.  ‘Oh great’ I thought, another session of digging about my nether region, just what the doctor ordered – literally.

Anyway, the point I’m trying to make, is that young girls must still be made aware of how important it is to get these tests done annually.  Soon after I had my first pap test, the UK moved the age that young girls get tested, making women wait until they were 25.  I never did understand why they did this.  Then came the tragic story of Jade Goody – a UK reality TV star of Big Brother.  Jade was the source of much tabloid fodder during the early 2000s, often ridiculed and trashed by the media.  But love her or hate her, Jade’s story was not only tragic – she was diagnosed with cervical cancer and eventually died in 2009, with it all filmed as part of her reality show – it had a grey impact on the UK: her death made the British health services sit up and listen in terms of cervical cancer screening for young females.  Of course what followed was a huge amount of coverage and campaigns urging young girls to go and get the test done.  When caught early, cervical cancer can be treated, so getting the test done is vital.

Taken from:

There has also been numerous protests across Canada petitioning the health services about NOT lowering the age that young women should get tested.  To me it would seem absurd to not have these simple, life-saving tests done, because that’s what they truly are.  Life saving.

So, no matter how unpleasant it is ladies – please tell your female friends, daughters, nieces, neighbours to make that appointment and ensure they get checked.   A few minutes of feeling exposed and having your lady parts given the once over is worth it.  Trust me, your Who-Ha will thank you for it.

Until next time,
Live, love and laugh lots, Mrs T. 


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Filed under Health

New Year, New You? Detoxes – are they worth it? Plus my ‘Smoojuice’ recipe

Ok, so we are over halfway through January so maybe it’s a little late to start talking ‘detoxes’ and cleanses but apparently last week marked the week that most people are likely to give up on their new year’s resolutions.  So how are you doing? Still not smoking? Been to the gym every morning since Jan 01? Or perhaps you have embarked on the new year craze of a ‘juice detox’ or a ‘juice cleanse’ as they call them out here in NA.  I have always loved a good juice or smoothie, I purchased a good old Nutirbullet last year and yes it is immense and yes produces great healthy drinks (ok so I caved to the cheesy infomercial, but honestly it really is a great buy).  However I have never done a full-on ‘cleanse’.  A very dear friend of mine back in the UK swears by the ‘Juice Master’ detox plan.  Basically you do a five or seven day cleanse of nothing but juices and volia! the scales will drop by up to seven pounds.  Now, I’ve always been thin, so this is not about weight loss for me, but more about energy and giving your body a reboot after all that Christmas indulgence.

However, I wanted to find out more, so as always, I took a quick peruse on Google and found a whole host of articles that actually bust all the myths about these infamous juice detoxes. Even good old Gwynnie on her Goop website has actually augmented her cleanses ‘Clean’ to incorporate actual food, as opposed to just green gloop in a glass. The problem I have is that it wreaks havoc with your metabolism.  You see, actually chewing your food helps to stimulate hormones that tell you ‘I am eating and I am full’ – ok I am no scientist here, but I know this is the case – and this article can tell you more.

So simply swallowing your daily calorific intake is not going to cut the mustard I’m afraid.  Yes of course you will lose weight, you’ve heard this all before – it is likely to be water weight and the chances are you will put it all back on (and more) after you come off the cleanse. Plus lots of juice plans need lots of fruit to make them palatable (pure glass of kale anyone? I thought not) – and lots of fruit equals lots of fructose coursing through your body.  This is not ideal for weight loss.

So what did I do? Well I brewed up a delish smoothie/juice concoction for my husband and I one morning in early Jan and purposefully announced that I was going to do a ‘Seven Day Juice Cleanse’.  How long did I last? Well…until lunchtime, three point five hours to be exact.  Guess what? I was HUNGRY! So I made a lovely healthy lunch with lots of fresh veg and fish and a helping of flax seeds for good measure and gave a firm two fingers to the ‘Juice Cleanse’.  And you know what? I feel great.  Yes I still use juices and smoothies, but they are just one meal in my day, part of my healthy eating. I am not pining for solid food and I feel amazing.  Couple that with the 15 Day Yoga Challenge I am doing and well, I really am the embodiment of absolute health!

So what did I learn? Juicing is not for everyone, it wreaks havoc on your metabolism, but…I did make up a fabulous new concoction that I like to call a ‘Smoojuice’ – it’s a bad boy combo of smoothie and juice, and I’m going to share my recipe with you all now.  Enjoy!

Live, love and laugh lots, Mrs T.


Mrs T’s Berry Smoojuice:
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup cranberries
1 scoop whey protein powder (vanilla)
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp flax seeds
1 cup water

Waz all the ingredients together in your whizzer (I use a Nutribullet but a high power blender should do it)
Pour over ice and enjoy!
Note: I like to use frozen berries as they make for a thicker Smoojuice
Calories: who cares!


January 22, 2014 · 10:59 pm